(This is part two of a series of posts on my custom steel hardtail project. Read part one here.)
Once I received the frame I got to work immediately. I needed to remove the rest of the cable guides, in preparation for new ones. I also decided to remove the front derailleur housing stop and the lower rack mounts. Here you can see how the cable guides were taken off:
So I filed them down
Rear rack mounts removed
I also inspected the frame to make sure it wasn’t damaged or cracked in any way. I did find one spot that concerned me. The weld on the disc mount looked sloppy on the inside edge.
The outside however, looked fine
After asking some experienced frame builders, they agreed that it looked sloppy but were of the opinion that it wouldn’t be an issue structurally. Either way, nothing a little time under the torch can’t fix!
In Part Three, the frame will go to the frame builder who will add ISCG tabs, cable guides and finishing touches.